
Concord & Ryde Sailing Club Inc

Life Members

Life Members of CRSC

Arthur Jones – 1974 ** Lionel Ellis – 1975 ** Don Melrose - 1975 George Melrose - 1975 **
Mervyn Morgan - 1975 ** Jean Senior - 1975 ** Joan Pagett - 1975 ** Dora Melrose - 1977 **
Bruce Dunlop - 1983 ** Ted Kendrick - 1983 ** Cathy Thompson - 1983 Graeme Thompson - 1983 **
Sandra Donovan - 1987 Ian McMaster – 1987 ** Bryce Ellis - 1990 Pauline Lowe - 1990
Chris Lowe - 1990 Alex Whittle - 1990 ** Nick Brown - 1991 Ron Burwood - 1994
Chris Lloyd-Owen - 1998 ** David Loring - 1999 Bob Lindsay - 2002 ** Sue Carrick - 2004
Virginia Swindells - 2004 David McClean - 2006 Keith Leslie - 2012 Sonia Burwood - 2012
Craig Burwood - 2012 Murray Dismorr - 2013 Nicole Williams - 2016 Jim Simpson – 2017
Chris Gildersleeve - 2019 Duncan McRae - 2023 Ross Venner - 2023  

** Deceased

Life Member Stories by Ron Burwood

Most of you will have seen the plaque on the Club House wall listing those members whom have been granted Life Membership for their efforts over the years for our Club. Many of them would be unknown to our recent membership so I thought that I would write a little about them for all to see the impact they have had on CRSC over the years. When researching for this I found it difficult to get a lot of information as to the reasons for the elevation of some members to Life Membership as in many cases little detail was entered into the minutes about their achievements. However, it is sufficient to say that those given this honour deserved it for the years of untiring devotion to the welfare and development of our Club from the early days. I am including photos of our Life Members wherever possible.

I have tried to list all the positions these members held in our Club both prior to and after their elevation to Life Membership. Some positions may have been missed but it has taken a fair bit of research to find the information included and I apologise in advance for any oversights. Some of the citations for Life Membership were rather long and space will only allow a summary of these or what has been written in our official minutes.

Arthur Jones – 1977 Lionel Ellis – 1975 Don Melrose - 1975 George Melrose - 1975
Mervyn Morgan - 1975 Jean Senior - 1975 Joan Pagett - 1975 Dora Melrose - 1977
Bruce Dunlop - 1983 ** Ted Kendrick - 1983 ** Cathy Thompson - 1983 Graeme Thompson - 1983 **
Sandra Donovan - 1987 Ian McMaster – 1987 ** Bryce Ellis - 1990 Pauline Lowe - 1990
Chris Lowe - 1990 Alex Whittle - 1990 ** Nick Brown - 1991 Ron Burwood - 1994
Chris Lloyd-Owen - 1998 ** David Loring - 1999 Bob Lindsay - 2002 ** Sue Carrick - 2004
Virginia Swindells - 2004 David McClean - 2006 Keith Leslie - 2012 Sonia Burwood - 2012
Craig Burwood - 2012 Murray Dismorr - 2013 Nicole Williams - 2016 Jim Simpson – 2017
Chris Gildersleeve - 2019 Duncan McRae - 2023 Ross Venner - 2023  

General Comments

In conclusion I would like to add that in relation to the current active Life Members of our Club I have not been able to cover all of the things these hard workers attend to in making our Club the successful enterprise it is. The Club would not be operating in the way it does, and has been for many years, without these dedicated people.  

Ron Burwood.

CRSC Archivist 2023/24
