
Concord & Ryde Sailing Club Inc

Club Policies

Member Protection Policy

CRSC seeks to provide a safe environment for all members and visitors.  To this end we have a very clear Member Protection Policy that outlines our processes for providing an inclusive harassment free community club.

The purpose of the CRSC Member Protection Policy (MPP) is to maintain responsible and appropriate behaviour by members and other participants in the Club. It outlines our commitment to a person’s right to be treated with respect and dignity and to be safe and protected from discrimination, harassment and abuse. The MPP informs everyone involved in our club of his or her legal and ethical rights and responsibilities and the standards of behaviour that are expected of them. It also covers the care and protection of children participating in our club’s activities. The Club has appointed a Member Protection Information Officer to facilitate the achievement of these aims.

Member Protection Policy

Risk Management Policy

Risk Management Policy


Boat Storage Agreement

Instructors & Coaches Code of Conduct

Health & Safety Policy

Discover Sailing Centre - Operating Procedures


Operating Area Map

On water sailing instruction shall remain within red outlined boundary area shown below:

The blue outline on the above map is roughly indicative of the area used for sailing at CRSC and is in accordance with the aquatic licence.

Standard Operating Guidelines

These Standard Operating Guidelines (SOGs) are intended to complement the Risk Management Policy and should be read in conjunction with it. The SOGs are posted on the Club’s  website and a hard copy is available in the green book by the boat ramp in the Club House. Members should be notified by email whenever a new SOG is posted and urged to read and understand it.

The objectives of the Standard Operating Guidelines are:

  • to help ensure the safety of CRSC members while operating the Club's critical equipment
  • to help ensure the Club's critical equipment is operated correctly, to avoid damage and to maintain its fitness for purpose

This will be achieved by:

  • defining who is authorised to operate the CRSC's critical equipment
  • describing the principal elements of correct operation of this equipment
  • displaying warning and instruction notices on or near the equipment, where appropriate
  • helping to ensure that those members authorised to operate the equipment are properly trained to do so
SOG 1. Standard Operating Guidelines SOG 2. The Boat Ramp and Winch
SOG 3. Power Boats SOG 4. Clubhouse Safety
SOG 5. Clubhouse Security SOG 6. The Gurney High Pressure Water Jet Cleaner
SOG 7. Storing and Retrieving Boats on the Racks SOG 8. Fire Prevention
SOG 9. Boats and Crews SOG 10. Tasks of the Duty Officer and Duty Class
SOG 11. Training SOG 12. Miscellaneous Signs and Notices
SOG 13. VHF Radio Procedures SOG 14. Intermediate sailors, casual sailors and temporary crews
SOC 15. Tasks and Responsibilities of Class Captains SOC 16. Incident Management Plan
SOG 17. Risk Awareness Training SOG 18. Safety Boat Operation


LAUNCHING AND RETRIEVING OUR RESCUE BOATS - All members will participate in the launching and retrieval of rescue boats. Safety is paramount. This page has a safe work procedure that all members should read and a video that demonstrates the application of the procedure.


Instructor Induction Checklist Training Boat Damage Report
Emergency Contact & Medical Form Incident and Injury Report Form
Boat Storage Agreement Conditions Casual Sailors, Application to Use a Club Boat
Casual Sailors, Club Boat Maintenance Payment Form Club Sailing Boat Sign-On Sheet
Temporary Crew Membership Application Lifejacket Inspection Register
Power Boat Safety Check List  

