The AGM held on 21st July, 1999 saw a motion put forward by Ron Burwood and seconded by Chris Lowe that David Loring be granted Life Membership. The minutes of this meeting recorded the following: “In support of the motion Ron Burwood outlined David Loring’s commitment to the Club. After joining the Club in 1985 he was elected Auditor in 1987, Spiral Class Captain in 1988 for four years then on to the position of Treasurer until he accepted the position of President in 1996. During his three years term as President, the Club faced many contentious issues which at times threatened its future and David showed his multifaceted skills as they were all needed when negotiating with various government bodies, Politicians, council personnel, the Yachting Association and so on when pursuing these. In addition he has always been enthusiastically involved with all Club Functions, working bees etc. and the Spiral Association and its affairs. Chris Lowe also spoke in support of the motion and what had previously been said particularly his efforts in getting the Club House extensions through Council. Ted Kendrick and Paul Hanly also spoke in support of the motion. The motion was carried unanimously and Ron Burwood congratulated David Loring and presented him with his Life Membership Badge.”
Since then David has continued his dedication to CRSC with his help in the construction of the deck and its roof, maintaining the training boats etc and actively helped in the training duties. David held the position of Treasurer for 4 years from 1992 to 1996 and then commenced his role as President from 1996 to 1999. He was Assistant Treasurer for 3 years 1999 - 2002 this at the same time as being Canteen Manager for 4 years from 1999 to 2003. David then took on the new role of Risk Management Officer for 5 seasons from 2002 until 2007 and overlapped this as Training Co-ordinator/ Training Principal from 2006 to 2013 - a very busy man indeed. From the 2008/09 season he took over the role of Registrar a position he still holds. During his period of tenure in this role he has made many changes in the manner by which members record their membership to make registration easier and simpler for the Registrar.
David was also involved with the West of the Harbour committee in pursuing solutions to our Club’s problems. Some years ago he was actively involved with the acquisition of our new Club Sabot fleet, also spending a lot of time in contact with the supplier and personally arranging boat identification numbers and names. More recently he has been chasing up more Spirals for the Club to purchase for our training fleet, traveling far and wide to collect them.
In addition, he has always been enthusiastically involved with all Club functions, the working bees, the open days and in many other areas. I think that David fully enjoys this commitment and mostly it is not a chore but part of giving back to the Club something for the pleasures he derives from its main activity - sailing. Our Club would be a lot worse off without the input and efforts of David Loring. Over the years in addition to his roles at CRSC he has been actively involved in many facets of the Spiral Class Association affairs.

He made further changes to the registration system and members can now do this on-line with invoices bring sent out for payment.
For the 2024/2025 season David is still our Registrar for the 17th year.