
Concord & Ryde Sailing Club Inc


Discover Sailing Day - weather update

Regrettably, the current weather forecast is likely to prevent us being able to launch boats on Sunday. People are welcome to come to our club to learn more about sailing. We will have a static display of our boats, BBQ and canteen facilities.

Discover Sailing Day @CRSC

FREE dinghy rides! It’s happening on Sunday 20th of November 2022 at our Club at Putney from 10am to 3pm located at Kissing Point Park, Corner of Waterview St and Yaralla Rd, Putney

Hungarian Dinner Night

SATURDAY 15OCTOBER - AFTER THE RACE Cost: $15 per plate / BYO Drinks Provided by the Heron Class

Result of Paper Tiger State Titles

Successful event for CRSC! New South Wales Paper Tiger Catamaran Association Inc. 2022 N.S.W. PAPER TIGER CATAMARAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS @Concord Ryde Sailing Club - 1 - 3 October 2022

Moving up - Class transition tips for sailing pathways

Sailing offers many options to enjoy the sport for life. With multiple pathways, classes, and opportunities available to choose from, some people choose one pathway enjoying years of sailing to master their chosen class, whilst some change often, and some choose more than one pathway and more than one class to sail in parallel to another.

Strava Club launched

CRSC launched the official Strava Club to compete between the members outside of our races.
